Core Values & Principles

Our core values and principles which guide us are:

Patient-centred: Each patient's individual needs and experience are our first consideration and at the heart of everything we do.

Quality: To provide the highest possible standards of care and treatment to patients with diversity, equity and equality of access.

Premises: To provide our patients with a clean, modern and safe environment when they visit us.

Ethical: To work within an ethical frame work at all times through a policy of openness and transparency.

Innovation: To continually innovate to bring about change for the wellbeing of our patients. These will be met as far as possible as financial resource shall allow.

Teamwork: To work together and support each other for the benefit of our patients.

Staff: To invest in the development of staff to provide a highly skilled work force. Our staff is expected to display compassion, courtesy, professionalism and integrity in all their dealings with patients, their families and with each other.

We undertake to:

Treat you with respect and courtesy at all times.
Provide you with advice and treatment in a timely manner.
Help you make decisions about your health by treating you as an individual.
Discuss what treatment is available and refer you on to other experts where necessary.
Act as your advocate and guide, when you need health and social services.
Maintain confidentiality in what we discuss and the records we keep on your behalf.
Keep up to date with developments in health care by continuing to learn.

In return we ask you to:

Respect our staff; they always try to do their best for you.
Keep your appointment, or let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.
Only use the out-of-hours services for urgent conditions which can’t wait until the next day or until after the weekend.
Let us know if you have any suggestions or cause for complaint as soon as possible.
Please also let us know when we have done well.

All staff at practice have had input into these values and principles